Wednesday, October 24, 2007

SAN-BAN: Update


Whasss goin' oooon!?

The band is hard at work polishing off the songs (still!) and tweaking and acquiring equipment to record some songs on our own. We're currently reahearsing about 8 hours a week trying to push ourselves to new levels, but that, as you all know, is always easier said than done.

We've got a few upcoming gigs. This Friday we will be playing at Sand Live along with The Movement in Codes, Akasha and Malac.

We've got a gig lined up with Insano as they're celebrating the 5th Anniversary of their debut album. We'll be covering a song or two from the aforementioned record, give the tunes the DCW twist, if you will! This will be on November the 25th at Club Capone.

We'll have a couple more dates in the following days, both before and after the above date.

Soon after well be playing at Expo Rock, which has been moved to December 8, at El Atico. DCW is one of the few, hand picked bands that have been given a space to play at this Musical Expo of sorts. Be sure to get out there if you have a band or want to check out the up and coming acts of the country as this very event, which starts on the 7th and ends on the 9th, has been designed to give all manner of rock acts some much needed exposure.

We'll see you punks this Friday at Sand Live!


Cual es la ultima!?

La banda ha estado trabajando en finiquitar los detalles del material para grabar (aun!) y hemos estado adquiriendo equipo para dichos propositos. De momento ensayamos 8 horas semanales aproximadamente intentando llegar al un nivel mas alto de ejecucion y desempeño artistico; dicho sea de paso, es mas facil decirlo que hacerlo.

Tenemos unos cuantos conciertos confirmados:

Este Viernes 26 estaremos en Sand Live junto a The Movement In Codes, Akasha y Malac.

El 25 de Noviembre Insano estara celebrando el 5to aniversario de la salida de su disco debut, razon por la cual estaremos tocando una o dos versiones de piezas de dicha obra. Dense la vuelta para escuchar reinterpretaciones de clasicos de una de las bandas mas importantes del Rock Costarricense!

El 8 de Diciembre estaremos presentandonos en el Expo Rock, que se llevara a cabo en El Atico los dias 7, 8 y 9 de Diciembre. Este es un evento nuevo en Costa Rica, cuyo proposito es darle exposicion a las bandas de Rock en general, como una convencion por asi decirle. Si tienen una banda y quieren darse a conocer o quieren conocer sobre las bandas nuevas del movimiento nacional este es el evento ideal para hacerlo.

Los vemos el Viernes en Sand Live, cabrones!

El Pelon se los ordena!/Baldy commands you!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Recreational: Post-gig Merrymaking! Costa Rock 2006

"Let the drinking commence!"








Recreational Moments: Sporting DCW

"Let the game begin"

"Trio of Doom"

"Someone got plugged"

"Isak Possessed"

"Foul? 2"

"Final Score"

Blast From the Past: Sepultura

"Esteban Top"


"Est, Isak"




"Isak, Esteban"

Blast From the Past: Decaying Recollections Release Party

"Clandestine JAger Bar"

"Buncha bastards"

"Norman ME"

"Helpi, Max, Guachi"

"Max, Allan, empanada"

"Lord Destroyed"

"Mora Destroyed"

"Esteban & Marco"

"Max, Esteban, Separated at birth"

"Tony & Allan"

"Jager Stash"

Friday, October 05, 2007

Blast From the Past: Fear Factory

"Allan, top"




"panorama 2"

"panoramic crowd"

"me, scream"


Blast From the Past: Rockfest 2003


Here’s little bit of History for you guys to put things in perspective.

The Costa Rican Rockfest started back in the mid-1990’s, quickly becoming the single largest music festival in country, showcasing nothing but local bands. As the name implies it, the band roster would span all manner of Rock, from Reggae – some would argue that Reggae is not Rock – to Hardcore/Nu-metal, focusing greatly on the more popular subgenres. There had been, up until year 2003, no real extreme band contemplated within the festival’s line-up. The closest outfits that would be considered heavy enough would be Deznuke (Nu-metal) and Insano (Industrial/Nu-metal), bands that, while being pretty heavy, are still within the commercial side of the spectrum. One other band to have taken part of the festival, one that was a favorite amongst the Costa Rican metal base, was Slavon, which had a lukewarm reception at best, hence never participating in the festival again.

When DCW got the official invitation to take part in the Festival, the band had already been appearing in similarly themed concerts of a lesser magnitude, playing often alongside pop, ska, punk and all other manner of genre themed bands with great success, managing to appeal to audiences that normally don’t digest metal very well. So when the call came, we were pretty excited, but very confident about our chances to pull off a good show and expand our still growing audience.

It’s funny, in hindsight, the amount of controversy this invitation caused within the extreme metal scene. Many were calling us sell-outs, even though our sound wasn’t changing, and even more were angry at us exposing our music to “infidels” allowing them the possibility of actually liking our sounds, hence converting them to the metal fold. Others were afraid we would tank in front of such a different audience, or so they thought. Even the media was curious as to how we would pull this off, having a handful of interviewers ask us what we thought about the challenges of playing at such an event and the metal scene’s reactions. But as I said before, we were already used to playing for largely non-metal crowds and earning applause if not actual praise while doing so.

Now, the event in and of itself was run by a Mr. Ernesto Aducci, a man whose reputation as within the music circles of the country was quite varied; some spoke of him with respect and kind words, others admonished and warned of foul play. Personally – and I speak for all members of the band when saying this – the man we met was nothing short of a professional who took care of business to a tee and treated every band as far as a we could see with the respect an artist rarely gets nowadays. Mr. Aducci told us that he was taking a bit of a gamble with us on word of mouth recommendations from people whose opinions he valued. As he said, the one other time he put a metal band in the roster said group didn’t make much of a splash. Even saying so, he was quite friendly and we certainly appreciated his openness. Most event producers aren’t as forthcoming as the man was with us.

When the day of the festival came around, we were feeling quite optimistic. We were scheduled to play rather early, as the festival started at 10 in the morning and we were to be up on stage at half past noon. We hung out for a bit in the backstage area, while getting a rundown of the way things would be working and where we had to be before taking our turn.

We didn’t notice the way the crowd grew over the minutes when we were tuning and warming up in the back, so we were taken aback by the sheer amount of people that greeted us as we took our places in the publicity-clad stage. It was essentially the biggest audience we had played for by a large margin – the reports vary but there were between 3000 and 4500 people at the time – and the greatest surprise of all was the amount of metal-heads sporting the iconic black t-shirts that had shown up for our show.

I personally hesitated for a moment but quickly put any doubts out of my head as I quickly measured the stage and got rid of the mike-stand. I succinctly announced who we were – even though the MC had already presented us; had to make sure everybody got it ;) – and we kicked our set off. The crowd didn’t take much to warm up – I wager the metal-heads helped with that – and things rolled easily for the next half hour or so.

When we got off stage, a stage hand pointed us quickly to the press area, where bands would have pictures taken with fans as well as sign all the relevant paraphernalia that was necessary. We all thought “yeah, right! I bet there’s gonna be only a handful of people” – mainly our friends, I thought to myself – but to our surprise, the place was literally a-crawl with people waiting for us to come out. So much people that by the time we were done with the autographs and the pictures the band after us had finished their set and the one after them was about halfway through theirs. We were overwhelmed with the reaction. I was veritably walking on air!

When we got backstage again, Mr. Aducci was waiting there and he congratulated us on our performance, saying that he didn’t expect us to get such an enthusiastic reaction from the audience. He was also impressed with Allan’s speed at the drums and made a joke about my vocals –“Where do you get that voice from!?”-.

We stuck around for our comrades in Deznuke and Insano, both of whom pulled off amazing onstage performances, and made the most of a day that I’m sure we all at DCW wished would not end.

Shortly after the festival, we were pretty much confirmed for the next edition of it, testament to how well we did the first time around. Sadly, for many different reasons, the festival was put to death by its creator, leaving a palpable void within the Costa Rican music scene that is still felt even today, when the Rockfest’s spiritual successor, the Costa Rock, has increasingly enjoyed success and critical acclaim.

So here ends this bit of the band’s – and the Costa Rican music scene’s - history for you people.

If anyone’s got pictures of our performance in the 2003 edition of the Rockfest I invite you all to send them in (to this address: ) and well post them here, duly crediting all who contribute and, who knows, perhaps you’ll get something special other than the satisfaction of having your work exhibited!


Aqui va un poquito de historia para ustedes y asi poner las cosas en perspective.

El Rockfest costarricense empezo a mediados de los años noventa, rapidamente convirtiendose en al festival musical mas grande del país. Como su nombre implica, las bandas que se presentasen en el festival abarcaban toda la gama de subgeneros del rock, inclusive generos cuya compatibilidad con el rock es cuestionable para algunos (como el Reggae). Siendo el enfoque mas dirigido a los subgeneros mas populares, hasta el año 2003 no habian aun bandas de metal extreme que hubiesen participado en el Rockfest. Las bandas mas cercanas al metal del canon purista, por asi llamarle, habian sido hasta ahora Deznuke e Insano, siendo bastante exitosas sus presentaciones y repitiendo sus actuaciones en ediciones siguientes, y Slavon, cuya unica presentacion en el festival no tuvo un respuesta particularmente efusiva.

Cuando DCW recibio la invitacion official para participar en el festival la banda ya habia participado en eventos similares de escala mas pequeña, compartiendo escenario con bandas de pop, ska, punk y demas generos, logrando exitosamente gustar a un publico que normalmente no digiere bien el metal. Asi que, cuando rebimos la llamada, estabamos bastante emocionados pero confiados en nuestras posibilidades de sacar un buen espectaculo y expander nuestro publico.

En retrospectiva, es graciosa la cantidad de polemica que causo dicha invitacion dentro de la escena metal. Muchos nos acusaron de vendernos aun cuando nuestro sonido y propuesta musical seguian siendo las mismas. Otros estaban molestos por exponer nuestra musica a los infieles, dando cabida a la posibilidad de atraer seguidores de otros generos al metal. Otros tambien temieron que nos fuese a ir mal en cuanto al publico debido a la variedad musical a la cual estaba acostumbrado en el Rockfest. Inclusive los medios tuvieron curiosidad al respecto, preguntandonos que pensabamos acerca de las dificultades que conlleva tocar en un evento de esa indole para una banda tan “extrema”. Pero como dije anteriormente, ya estabamos acostrumbrados a tocar para publicos predominantemente foraneos al movimiento metal con bastante exito y aceptacion.

El evento en si era organizado por el Sr. Ernesto Aducci, hombre cuya reputacion dentro de los circulos musicales del pais variaba bastante; algunos hablaban de el con respeto y estima, otros lo calumniaban o advertian sobre posibles maltratos. Personalmente, y de parte de toda la banda, el hombre que conocidmos no fue nada menos que un professional que se ocupada de todos los detalles de su negocio y que trataba a cada banda con el respeto que pocos artistas reciben hoy dia. El Sr. Aducci nos dijo tranquilamente que se estaba jugando un chance con nosotros basandose en recomendaciones de personas cuya opinion el tomaba a pecho. Como dijo, la unica otra vez que habia incluido una banda metal en el festival no fue exactamente un exito. Aun diciendonos esto, se comporta de manera amigable y, evidentemente, abierta, lo cual agradecimos bastante. La mayoria de productores no son tan honestos como este señor fue para con nosotros.

El dia del festival llego y nosotros nos sentiamos bastante optimistas. Estabamos programados para tocar relativamente temprano puesto que el festival empazaba a las 10 de la mañana y nos tocaba estar en escena a las 12:30 pm. Nos quedamos tras bastidores por un rato mientras nos explicaban como iban a proceder durante el evento; donde debiamos estar antes de tocar, a que hora y que hacer una vez terminado nuestro set.

No habiamos notado la manera en que el publico crecio durante los minutos que pasamos afinando y calentando en el area de backstage, asi que estabamos bastante sorprendidos por la cantidad de gente que nos recibio al subir al scenario. Era basicamente el publico mas grande para el cual jamas habiamos tocado por un amplio margen; los reportes varian, pero se estima que a esa hora el publico vario entre 3000 y 4500 personas. La mas grata sorpresa fue el numero de camisetas negras que habian llegado para nuestro set.

Yo personalemente titubie por un momento, pero rapidamente me ocupe con medir el scenario y deshacerme del stand del microfono. Resumidamente nos presenta, aunque ya nos habia presentado el maestro de ceremonias por altoparlante, y empezamos a darle. Por fortuna al publico no le tomo mucho para empezar a calentar y las cosas fluyeron de buena manera por una media hora aproximadamente.

Una vez que nos bajamos del escenario uno de los asistentes nos indico que debiamos pasar al area de prensa a tomarnos fotos y firmar autografos. Obviamente pensamos que eso era una tonteria porque seguramente estarian 5 o 6 de nuestros amigos y nadie mas. Lo que nos topamos saliendo al area de prensa fue una turba de gente pidiendonos autografos y fotos, tanto asi que para cuando terminamos de firmar autografos, no solo habia tocado la banda que nos seguia, sino que la banda que les siguio iba por la mitad de su set. Estabamos literalmente conmovidos con la reaccion de la gente.

Una vez de vuelta tras bastidores el Sr. Aducci nos estaba esperando, nos felicito por nuestra presentacion e hizo un comentario sobre la velocidad de Allan en la bateria. Tambien hizo un comentario jocoso preguntando de donde sacaba yo mi voz.

Nos quedamos el resto del evento para apoyar a nuestros colegas de Desnuke e Insano, cuyas presentaciones fueron simplemente geniales, e hicimos lo posible para disfrutar de un dia que no queriamos que terminase.

Poco tiempo despues del evento ya estabamos confirmados para la proxima edicion del Rockfest, evidenciando el exito que tuvimos en nuestra primera incursion en dicho festival. Lastimosamente, por muchas rezones, el festival fue cancelado indefinidamente por su creador dejando un vacio palpable invlusive hoy dia dentro de la escena nacional, cuando su sucesor spiritual, el Costa Rock, a pesar de su exito busca aun revivir la Gloria de lo que una vez fuera el Rockfest.

Con esto doy por finalizada esta entrega en la cual pretendo mostrar un poco de la historia de la banda y asi, indirectamente, parte de la historia del rock nacional.

Si alguien tiene fotos de nuestra presentacion en el Rockfest 2003 les invite a enviarmelas a esta direccion: . Quienes contribuyan seran debidamente acreditados y, quien sabe, hasta se podrian ganar algo mas que la satisfaccion de exibir su trabajo en linea.

Friday, June 08, 2007



Here’s the second installment of our little blog of horror.

First things first! The band has returned to the gig scene with a free gig at Universidad Nacional (UNA) in Heredia this past Friday, May the 25th. We would like to thank all the people that not only made it out there on rather short notice but also withstood the downpour and somewhat cold temperature that befell the venue that night. It is highly gratifying to see that our fans are willing to thrash around in the cold rain so they can fully enjoy our stuff! It’s fans like you that keep us going and we really wouldn’t be so happy doing our thing without your support. More fodder for the unquenchable fire!

We have a couple of upcoming gigs lined up. The next confirmed one is on Friday, July 13 at Sand Live. We’ll be playing with up-and-comers Fallen Memories as well as blackers Animus Barathrum and scene heavies Sight of Emptiness. The following week, on Sunday, July 22, same venue, we’ll be participating in the second installment of Devastation Fest. I’ll keep you posted on any more gigs when they are confirmed.

In other news, DCW will be appearing live on channel 15’s Musica por Inclusion on Thursday June 28 at 5pm. Be sure not to miss it!

We should have a couple of surprises soon, but that I will leave to a future installment of this here rant-space.

That's all for the time being, folks!


Aquí esta la segunda entrega nuestro pequeño blog de terror.

Primero lo primero! La banda ha vuelto ha las canchas con un concierto gratuito en la Universidad Nacional (UNA) en Heredia este pasado Viernes 25 de Mayo. Quisieramos agradecerle a toda la gente que no solo se dejo llegar sino que se pararon y se patearon bajo el aguacero y el frio que asediaron el lugar del concierto esa noche. Es bastante gratificante ver que nuestros seguidores estan dispuestos a destrozarse a la interperie para escuchar un poco de tarro! Es gente como ustedes lo que nos mantiene dandole y realmente no estariamos tan felices en lo que hacemos si no fuese por su apoyo. Mas carne para los cañones y carbon para el fuego insasiable!

Tenemos un par de conciertos acerrcandose. El proximo chivo confirmado es el Viernes 13 de Julio and Sand Live. Ahi estaremos compartiendo tarima con Fallen Memories, Animus Barathrum y Sight of Emptiness. Luego, la semana siguiente, estaremos participando en la Segunda edicion del Devastation Fest. Este ultimo concierto sera el Domingo 22 de Julio, tambien en Sand Live. Aqui les estaremos avisendo conforme se vayan confirmando mas conciertos.

En otras noticias, DCW estara presentandose en vivo este Jueves 28 de Junio en el programa MxI de Canal 15. El programa comenzara a las 5pm como es habitual. No se lo pierdan!

Pronto deberiamos tener un par de sorpresas para compartir con ustedes, pero eso tendra que esperar a una futura entrega de este espacio verborreico.

Eso es todo por ahora, gente!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



Welcome one and all to the newfangled December’s Cold Winter blog!

We at DCW hope some of you will actually care about the band enough to check this shit out for insights on what life as a struggling, third world, Death Metal band is like. I’ll try not to taint this space with too much of my self-effacing style, elsewise this here will become a veritable “virtual dead-land”.

Onto to the meat of the matter.

The band is currently working on refining everything from actual musical skill to onstage performance and intellectual concepts. We are hard at work, racking our feeble drunken brains for better ways to present our pretentious attempts at music.

The brunt of our work, band-wise, is going into fine-tuning our songs, those that have come after our first record, and making sure everything gels nicely. Going over the composition, making sure everything’s consistent and properly arranged. It’s a bitch job but it’s the only way to get things done right. We’re cutting some demos soon as well so, who knows? Maybe you’ll be listening to mercifully short snippets of our musical ejecta! Fucking hooray!

On the individual level of things, bald-headed Maximus is polishing up on the axe, as he wants to dazzle the hell out of the three people who bought our last record (ok, I’m exaggerating, it was two!). I would suggest Isak follows suit, but being the bohemian little twat he is, he’ll probably just mooch the lessons from Max and keep on the level.

Bass-man Esteban is (little Glen Benton!) is taking a foray into digital design; perhaps we’ll see this incursion bear fruit for the band. Allan continues to resemble an ape at the drum kit (Aping the ape?); how does one tell a drummer weaned on Brutal Death not to be so aggressive? Chaos seems to be his thing – as well as blood and guts and all that offal jazz – so we are trying to ride his ass into coherence. Allen’s still doing triipy shit on his V-synth, so maybe you’ll get to hear some of that in the near future. I myself am going from the empirical approach to music to the more orthodox way of doing things. Still trying to figure out the extent of my range and whether I should develop as a Baritone or a Tenor, but I guess that’s gonna come later down the line. Should we resort to lyrical vocal passages again, I won’t put out the odd vocal shit I produced for the last outing. We’re trying to be the pro’s we can be! Huzzah!

On the personal level of things, for anyone who might care, Max cross-dresses (he’s got damn fine-looking man-tits!), Isak is a communist party member, Allan is a porn star (real cheap, nasty stuff), Esteban preys on the fears of the ignorant over mass media (yup, a tele-evangelist!) and Allen pulls double duty as he is both laying down scores for tacky Latin American soap operas and playing the leading man as well. As for me, I’m trying to figure out how to get rich off of Coke and Mentos (any association with drug distribution may or may not be true depending on who’s asking)!

And remember, every record we sell means my dogs get to eat. I’m running out of bums and wynos over here!.


Bienvenidos sean todos al nuevo y mal-concebido blog de December’s Cold Winter!

Esperamos que algunos de ustedes sientan suficiente interes en la banda como para estar visitando este espacio para informarse sobre lo que acontece en la vida de una banda de Death Metal del tercer mundo. Tratare personalmente de no colorear en demasía este espacio con mi horrible estilo auto-derrogatorio para que no se vuelva esto, prematuramente, en un blog fantasma.

Al meollo del asunto.

La banda actualmente se encuentra trabajando en refinar todo desde la habilidad musical y la ejecucion en vivo hasta los conceptos intelectuales. Estamos rompiendonos nuestros alcoholizados cerebros para encontrar mejores maneras en las cuales presentar nuestros torpes intentos de crear música.

El peso principal de nuestro trabajo en la banda es momentaneamente el de optimizar nuestras composiciones, aquellas que han sido escritas posteriormente al nuestro primer disco. Estamos repasando y observando detalladamente lo que es la composicion de cada pieza, asegurandonos que los arreglos estan propiamente contruidos y que todo sea consistente. Es una “matada”, pero es la única manera de que todo salga como debe. Estaremos grabando maquetas prontamente, así que no se extrañen si llegan a escuchar pequeñas muestras de nuestras abominaciones musicales!

A nivel individual, el pelón (Max) esta tratando de meterle mas sabiduria musical a su nimio cerebro. Quizá y le saque la caca a alguno en el proximo disco… quizá! Isak, en su ride de chancletudo seguro nada mas le copia las lecciones a Max para no quedarse atrás y así no darle dinero a las corporaciones capitalistas.

Esteban esta dolido porque Deicide no viene (el mae quería tomarse foto con Benton porque es como el gemelo) y ahora esta jugando de diseñador… va a ser! Allan es un simio y hay que estarle dando palo para que deje de tarrear tanto, pero de que le pone sabor, le pone. Insiste en que el proximo disco sea gore… major que se haga un proyecto de noise! Allen esta haciendo musica rave o algo asi… además de hacer la musica para programas de tele y películas independientes. Que agradecimiento! Yo estoy haciendo feo con algo de clases de canto para ver si dejo de sonar como un ano en una caverna (ano barítono o ano tenor?). A ver si empezamos a parecer maes al chile.

A nivel personal, a la mayoria de los borrachos se le ve en Heredia haciendo feo. Yo nunca salgo y Allen es tica Linda en la esquina o rafas. Si los ven, preguntenle cosas personales.

Y para los que no han comprado nuestros disco, que esperan? Dejen de quemarlo que piratear lo underground es como pegarle a un chiquito con hemofilia!